What is SEO, and How Does it work?
When we use Google or any other renowned search engine to search for a topic or a website, we wonder how any website is seen on Google’s first page and stands out driving traffic through it given there are more than thousands of other competitive websites available. And the answer to all these questions is Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
In this world of evolving technology, most of the interpreters are aware of the term “Search engine optimisation” or SEO. But they are not exactly sure what is SEO and how does it work. The term search engine optimisation (SEO) is a process that affects website visibility, or you can say, through this process a website can get high ranking on the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
What is SEO?
SEO is an art of optimising the search engine for a higher rank in the search results sections which are unpaid. We generally use search engines to find out topics or information from the internet. The most powerful and popular search engines are Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It keeps popping up in all the top rankings of the search result be it a sentence or any keyword.
Now if the question is, what is SEO Google? Well, the answer to this is SEO Google is a tool through which a website ranks in the first pages of search engines. Companies also use it for marketing their services or products.
Gaining a higher page rank in top search engine means having a tremendous amount of traffic. By placing high-quality articles with specific keywords, you can have a chance to get very high page rank on the top search engines like Google.
The current strategies of SEO are different from previous years. The fact of the matter is that the search engines regulate all the SEO activities. To fulfil the goal of any business, search engine optimisation plays a key role. So it is also essential to take a look at what is SEO, and how does it work?
How exactly does a Search Engine work?
Primarily two essential steps are responsible for a search engine to work which are defined here:
1) Crawling:
The search engines have to crawl through all types of Web pages related to the website. According to the survey report, the major search engine like Yahoo, Google can crawl millions of Web pages every day. Google itself conducts 2.2 million searches in 24 hours.
2) Indexing:
After completing the crawling process, the search engine then indexes the web pages. This process is critical. Because more number of indexed pages of your websites means your website gain the greater chance to improve its ranking on a search engine.
Main Factors of SEO work?
Most of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing update their algorithm every day. There are lots of factors that influence these results.
Some of the critical factors are enlisted here:
- Content: Content is the most critical factor in SEO. We all have heard the phrase “content is king”, which is true. Placing high-quality content and relevant target keywords can rank your website on Google’s 1st page.
- On-page SEO: If you want to get ahead of the competition, then you must work on-page SEO’. On-page SEO means working on Meta description, focusing on content and also internal link, relevant title heading and subheading, placing the right image, concentrating on keyword density, etc.
- Backlinks: SEO backlink is also one of the critical factors of SEO. Generating a quality backlink is as essential as content to boost the authority of the domain and page.
- Website speed: Google only rewards those sites which work fast. A fast website always gets more traffic as compared to the slow one. Google also rewards those sites which adjust themselves according to the update of Google.
These were some of the main factors of SEO, and the other factors included are-
- Mobile Friendliness
- Domain Age
- Image optimisation
- Social Signals
- Structured Data
Why is this important?

These are all about getting more traffic. Traffic means visitors to a website. More traffic means the expectation of positive customers for your business. According to the report of a journal, having the place on the second page of Google search result will get less than 15% per cent of total clicks, and if the site gets the number one position, then you can enjoy approx thirty-five per cent of total clicks.
Google always ranks individual webpage rather than an entire website. As a feather in the cap encircles 67% of click with the top five search results, which make it much more essential to be on the top search rankings.
Every SEO developer or SEO service provider like SEO service in Gurgaon always want to be connected with Google. But if one knows just the perfect strategy of SEO and follows the proper guidelines, one can do well even without it. Today’s untapped market for SEO service providers is related to businesses and websites.
They need to understand all the tools and the services the Google offers, and they also need to know the importance of each of them. Nowadays, SEO developers are familiar with the word with SEO Google. Now the question is, what is SEO Google. SEO Google is an effectivestrategy which helps the business owner to promote their website and advertise their products.
Here are a few steps that are used in SEO Google to optimise the web pages, which includes the following:
- SEO developers need to consider about the keyword phrases because this is one of the essential aspects of SEO which users will use in a search engine searching bar to find out any useful information.
- SEO developers need to use such type of keywords which can generate a tremendous amount of traffic to the website.
- Your keywords must appear in the body of the web pages.
- It needs to be used in ULR, Domain, Keyword Meta Tag, ALT text, Description etc.
- Keywords density should be approx 5% to 20%. Every keyword should be printed on your WebPages.
- SEO developers need to focus on the quality of the Link because Google only ranks those websites which maintain the quality and relevancy.
- The WebPages of the website should contain clear and adequate information by which the user can get all the required information about the products and the services. And WebPages also need to maintain accuracy.
- Having more Backlinks makes the popularity of the website grow instantaneously, but now the question is what is SEO Backlink.
- A high-quality website can get quality SEO Backlinks. So developers need to invest a considerable amount of money in creating high-quality content that will easily be navigated by both humans and search engine spiders to generate more traffic. So SEO service providers like SEO service in Gurgaon need to improve their website by developing good quality content. Not only content, if webmasters add good quality press release on the WebPages, a website can backlink easily and also get top ranks on the search engines.
What is SEO, and how does it work?
Search engine optimisation is a procedure through which any website or web page gets the best result in the search engine. Even the best SEO service providers like SEO service know what kind of keywords people usually use to get information through search engines. So they also use that knowledge while developing content.
Nowadays, if you want to get the best results on Google or any other search engines, you cannot use any keywords randomly. The best SEO developers like SEO service in Gurgaon always use a target or a specific keyword because they know those particular terms through which the results come out much faster. In addition to keywords, many other things can bring the best products on search engines which are enlisted here for the convenience of the reader. It is as following-
The Google SEO strategy
- Keyword research is one of the essential factors of SEO strategy. The search engine optimisation process always fixes the rules of keyword research necessarily entail to identify the relevant as well as accurate keywords. And only perfect keyword can bring the best search result on Google or other search engines.
- Only good search engine optimisation can recognise the proper role of online articles. With quality service, this procedure absorbs the vast amount of searchers and skimmers on the web. Due to this reason, the item or the content needs to be free from all types of grammatical errors, and also from plagiarism. It should be original and unique and also qualitative. Both off-page and on-page optimisations always use these quality articles.
- Social media marketing is another vital aspect of SEO. Developers use Social media to enhance the promotional mechanisms of any products or services. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are some of the platforms which can establish the target customer of a business. In SEO, Fan pages are recognised as a channel that can generate more relevant links related to the website.
- SEO also executes the Backlink building. But the question is- what is SEO Backlink. SEO Backlink is one of the essential aspects of traffic production, and it is also the critical determinant of search engine ranking of any website. There are varieties of link building methods available in SEO such as blog commenting, social bookmarking, link wheel, site submission services, etc.
All aspects of SEO are interlinked. Through these methods, SEO generates a tremendous amount of traffic to achieve the website ranking on the top pages of the search engine. Being in the search pages of the search engine means most of the internet users have found the desired product or service which they were searching for. And even the business can achieve big profit through SEO.
It is a matter of a fact that if one’s business is not present on the search list of the search engine, then there is a big possibility to lose the targeted profit. And to resolve this issue, the professional SEO optimisation services like SEO service in Gurgaon helps one to speed up the website searches, which will help the business to be able to earn more potential customers.
So SEO is one of the necessary components of the online marketing procedure, which plays a vital role in the ranking of the website and driving traffic to it through organic searches.
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